

/ Main Steering Systems

Main Steering Systems

All SOLAS/Class rated vessels are required to be fitted with Main and Backup Steering facilities and components which have been Approved and Certificated commensurate with relevant flag and Classification Society performance and reliability standards.

Accordingly, all Main Steering System components designed & manufactured by Navitron Systems Ltd. have been fully Classification Society Approved (DNV GL, ABS, RMRS, RRR etc.) and may be configured for complete Main Steering console configurations and/or stand alone component use as appropriate.

Whilst a typical Main Steering console might comprise Full Follow Up, Non Follow Up and Override Steering Controls etc. the final content can be chosen to suit the Steering System(s) involved (single or dual rudder, SOLAS or Non SOLAS etc.) thus a modular and cost effective range of Steering Control Panel variants are available.

NT850 Main Steering System – Type 1

Type 1 – SOLAS compliant dual pump / single rudder system (NT851 NFU) or dual rudder system (NT850 NFU) and suitable for smaller vessels from workboats and patrol craft etc. to coastal and ocean going units up to 3000GT (NT888G Autopilot) – particuarly where space is at a premium.

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NT850 Main Steering System – Type 2

Type 2 – SOLAS compliant dual independent rudder/quad pump system suitable for vessels from workboats and patrol craft (including high speed craft) to coastal and ocean going units up to 3000GT (NT888G Autopilot) and above (NT999G Autopilot).

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NT850 Main Steering System – Type 3

Type 3 – SOLAS compliant dual independent rudder/quad pump system suitable for vessels from workboats and patrol craft (including high speed craft) to coastal and ocean going units of all tonnages with integral Analogue Heading Repeater (type NT880 AHR) and able to accept control inputs from proprietary Autopilot Systems.

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NT850 Main Steering System – Type 4

Type 4 – SOLAS compliant suitable for single rudder/dual pump systems using the NT851 STSS for Pump Selection, or, for Independent Rudder Systems using the NT851 STSS Rudder System Selection. Rudder Angle Indication (NT850 RAI), Analogue Heading Repeater (NT880 AHR) and Override facilities (NT850 OVSW) are included and the resultant system is suitable for vessels of all types (including high speed craft) to 3000GT (NT888G Autopilot) and above (NT999G Autopilot).

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